Why do we blog?

  1. We may not be writers, but we can sure talk. If we don’t have anyone to talk to, we blog!

  2. We blog because we’re not good rappers. (Unknown source said that great quote:)

  3. “Content is anything that adds value to the reader’s life.” (Avinash Kaughik). We hope to share information that challenges readers to consider a new idea or perspective.

  4. “All the things I love is what my business is about.” (Martha Stewart). We agree with Martha and also love what we do. Our passion for learning ignites joy, discovery, and creativity within us.

  5. Blogs are just mini-ideas swirling around until gathered into focused thought. Short stories evolve as a writer captures the mind’s thoughts onto paper.

  6. “If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all; read a lot and write a lot.” (Stephen King). Even though we don’t have aspirations to be the kind of incredible writer Stephen King is, we hope to share thrilling stories with you occasionally!

  7. "Trust dreams. Trust your heart and trust your story." (Neil Gaiman).